It was a crazy weekend. My carpet shampooer died..it spurted all the soapy water onto the rug, but wouldn't suck it back up. It kinda sucks when your carpet shampooer DOESN'T suck. So, it was a fast trip to the vaccuum store to drop off the broken one and get a rental to eliminate the swamp that was my living room floor. The rental actually worked better than mine, but it was a big cumbersome to get out of the car and up the stairs into the house!
Saturday afternoon, my son had a birthday party. After the pinata was broken, he took all of his candy and sorted it on a cooler, pulled a lawn chair behind it, sat down and announced his candy store was open, $5 a piece. What a businessman, huh? (he's 4)
Yesterday, we went to the lake. My husband and I had a meeting, the kids swam and played in the water, then it rained...we drove home in torrential downpours. The kids thought we were driving under water! We came home, all hung out on the couch and watched a movie. That's not something we do on weekends in the summer, because we are usually not home! It was very relaxing and we all enjoyed the family time.
I even had time to make some new items for both of my shops...and thanks to my friend Nat for modeling the Fruit and Fiction tote.
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