Wednesday, May 21, 2008

On the Edge

I've been trying to create something new for each store, each day. I've been trying to post something on my blog every day. I'm trying to get pictures organized and on flickr. I had to get teacher gifts done for both kids. I got the teachers gifts done and delivered today. My daughter's last day of school is today. She has her musical celebration tonight. My son had his last day of school yesterday. His celebration is tomorrow morning. I think, tonight, I'm just going to go to bed. I have been averaging about 5 hours sleep a night for far too long.

I'll play with the kids, putter in the gardens, avoid housework at all costs...but instead of staying up til all hours sewing, photographing and listing, I'm just going to take a few days off, sew when I can and start fresh next week. It is a holiday weekend, after all.........


Carry Grace said...

I think taking a few days off is just what you need! Enjoy your time off, you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you do need a break- enjoy the long weekend. You will feel a ton better next week- i think we all need breaks now and then. :o)

Hugs Pandy!

luv4sams (Lisa) said...

Have a great weekend!

krystalmoon74 said...

You deserve a break chickie !!! Enjoy yourself !!!