Monday, July 30, 2007

Okay, trying to stay current with this blog....can I just tell you how crazy it is trying to keep up with the garden, rather the weed bed, the lawn that hasn't been mowed since July 1st, running up and down the road to the lake for sailing, swimming and other enjoyable summer activities. Add to the mix an Etsy shop with all the street teams and promotional work, a blog and a Flickr account.......then bills and other mundane household chores......anyone ever sleep?

I did take time off and read the last Harry Potter book.....I am not going to spoil the ending for anyone, but the actual ending (who lives and who dies) really wasn't that important.....the entire ending was so much more complex and very well written and thought out. I was sad that the books are done, but was very pleased with how well all the loose ends were tied. So, that leads to the next question...what to read next. I will take suggestions from anyone!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Crazy Busy Summer

Okay, I have not had time to update this in over a month. Summer is so nutty. Going to the lake, sailing, the kids' swimming lessons....I live in my car and drive all over during the summer. It is nutty, but I miss the lake, too.

The kids are learning how to swim, my house is staying relatively clean, since we aren't there very much, and it is fun to see the friends I only see in the I am going to try and keep this and my new flickr account updated a little more often....